City I See

A portrait of the people of Boston, by the people of Boston




  1. Choose your favorite place in Boston. Whether it be a bench park or a bus stop, anywhere is perfect.
  2. Go to the chosen location
  3. Sit down. Look around. Look for a person that catches your eye, a person that you would be interested in talking to.
  4. Go meet this person:
  1. Introduce Yourself
  2. Introduce Everyday Boston and this particular assignment, The City I See
  3. Ask the following questions
  1. Once these questions are answered, don't forget to thank the person for their time
  2. Choose your favorite place in Boston. Whether it be a bench park or a bus stop,anywhere is perfect.
  3. Go to the chosen location
  4. Sit down. Look around. Look for a person that catches your eye, a person that you would be interested in talking to.
  5. Go meet this person:

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